Sunday, August 12, 2012

Speak Their Language

Earlier this week I ready Nataly Kelly’s post “Speak to Global

Customers in Their Own Language” in the Harvard Business Review Blog

Ms. Kelly points out that customers are more likely to purchase something from a site written in their own language than one than one that rquires translation.  Further research reveals that even in the EU Countries where English usage is common, people still prefer to browse sites in their mother tongue.  Good information to have.


Her post is a reminder that before we travel, or welcome associates and clients, it is essential to learn some words in their language.  How do they say hello, my name is?  Please, Thank you, You’re welcome?The simple words and phrases of daily life and business.


Words let us share our ideas and opinions; to build connections and friendships.   By the language of others we communicate more than the message we struggle to pronounce.  Even if our accent or pronunciation isn’t correct our effort shows our honor and respect for the people to whom we’re speaking.

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