Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Which Country is Most Innovative?


The Global Innovation Index 2021, the 14th edition of the index ,was recently released by the World Intellectual Property Organization. (https://www.wipo.int).  It’s  unique because it covers the time when Covid-19 impacted all economies.  Daren Tang, the Director General, noted that in his introductory remarks:  This year’s edition is being released in the middle of a continuing COVID-19 pandemic, which has taken a grim toll on lives and livelihoods, but also given us many examples of human ingenuity, resilience and adaptability. Indeed, the GII 2021 finds that the innovative sectors of the global economy have remained strong, despite severe disruptions.


Global Innovation Index 2021:  



Check out the report to find out more about innovation in the countries where you do business, where you visit, where you live. There’s much to be discovered in this report – and here are three bits of information to get your started: 


Top 15, most innovative, of all 132 countries included in the index: 

1 Switzerland
2 Sweden
3 United States of America
4 United Kingdom
5 Republic of Korea
6 Netherlands
7 Finland
8 Singapore
9 Denmark
10 Germany
11 France
12 China
13 Japan
14 Hong Kong, China

15 Israel


#1 Country by Region:

North America – United States of America

Latin America & Caribbean – Chile

Sub Saharan Africa – South Africa

North Africa and Western Asia – Israel

SE Asia, East Asia & Oceana – Republic of Korea

Central & South Asia – India


#1 Where countries are grouped by income: 

High income group:   Switzerland

Upper middle income:  China

Lower middle income:  Vietnam

Lower income:  Rwanda


Monday, November 15, 2021

Calling Tokyo, San Jose, Phoenix, Atlanta


Four cities.  Four time zones. How to find a time to call that works for people in all four places??

It’s easy to figure out to call when considering just two cities.  A simple question to our friends at Google:  What time is it in Tokyo if it’s 10 am Monday in San Jose, California? will give you an idea if that’s a good time for a call.  The answer:  Probably not.10 am Monday in California is 3 am Tuesday in Tokyo.

However if you want a more complete answer, or if you are trying to set up a call between multiple cities in multiple time zones check out the Meeting Planner function at the site:  TimeandDate.com.  https://www.timeanddate.com.   


In an instant you discover that 2 pm  Monday in California will be 3 pm in Phoenix, 5 pm in Atlanta and 9 am Tuesday in Tokyo.  That might work.  

 Don’t miss a meeting because the day and time are too confusing to figure out. Or annoy someone by suggesting a time that is midnight where they are.  Meeting times made easy.